Classic Journal Prompts

Here are some classic, tried and true journal prompts for anyone to use. Whether you’re brand new to it or you’ve been doing it for years, these are ones to come back to time and time again.

To manifest:

- What do I want?

- What does it feel like?

- Describe your ideal day.

To let go:

- What do I need to let go of?

- What am I ready to release?

- Who do I need to forgive?

To build confidence / self love

- What do I love about myself? List as many as possible.

- What makes me a great partner/person/employee?

- What are my strengths and best qualities?

- What am i proud of myself for?

- What have I overcome?

To feel gratitude:

- What am I grateful for and why am I grateful for it?

- What do I love about my life?

- What is something I have now that I once wanted?

- What are the most simple things I have that I can take for granted but are so important that I have?

To turn around a situation:

- What am I learning from this?

- What are the things I like / that are good about this?

- How is this service me?

To get guidance:

- Pause. Turn within. Ask the question or topic you need guidance in. Close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, take some breaths. Then, write.


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